Liberty Global, Telefónica and InfraVia Form Joint Venture to Build a New Fibre Network in the UK

by Telefónica Tech Ventures

Liberty Global and Telefónica Infra, S.L.U, a wholly owned subsidiary of Telefónica, S.A., together with InfraVia Capital Partners, a leading independent financial investment firm specialising in in...

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Elewit lanza la cuarta edición de su programa de venture client para colaborar con startups

by Elewit

Elewit, la plataforma tecnológica de Redeia, lanza la cuarta edición de su programa de venture client, destinado a startups de todo el mundo que sean pioneras en nuevas tecnologías y referentes en ...

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Aurica Capital entra en el accionariado de Grupo Viatek, compañía especializada en servicios e infraestructuras IT

by Aurica Capital Desarrollo S.G.E.I.C. S.A.U.

Aurica Capital anuncia la adquisición de una participación minoritaria de hasta el 49% en Grupo Viatek, especializada en ofrecer servicios de ingeniería e instalación eficientes para la gestión y...

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Bullnet Capital lidera la ronda de inversión de LeapWave, dedicada al desarrollo de tecnología para interconexiones de alta frecuencia

by Bullnet Capital

Bullnet Capital, firma española independiente de inversión en capital riesgo, ha liderado la primera ronda de inversión en Leapwave, empresa que ha sido recientemente constituida como EBT (Empresa ...

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Nexxus Iberia raises a €56 million Continuation Fund to support and accelerate the next phase of growth of portfolio company OFG Telecomunicaciones

by Nexxus Iberia SGEIC

Nexxus Iberia announces the successful closing of OFG Continuation Fund capitalized by Headway Capital Partners and Mill Reef Capital as Lead Investors of a consortium of limited partners which also i...

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King & Wood Mallesons advises Nexxus Iberia on the structuring of its first continuation fund, OFG Continuation Fund

by Addleshaw Goddard

King & Wood Mallesons has advised Nexxus Iberia, one of the leading private equity firms in Spain, on the structuring of its first continuation fund, OFG Continuation Fund, with a final size of €56 ...

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Global Social Impact realiza una nueva inversión de 2,3 millones de euros para luchar contra la brecha digital en el mundo rural español

by Global Social Impact (GSI)

Global Social Impact Investments SGIIC, la gestora de fondos de inversión de impacto del holding familiar Santa Comba, ha cerrado una nueva inversión para GSIF España, un fondo focalizado en la inv...

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Telefónica Ventures invests in Airalo in a round that closes with 60 million dollars

by Telefónica Tech Ventures

Alongside Telefónica, investors in this series include B e& capital, Antler Global, Liberty Global, Naranja, T.Capital, Rakuten, Bell Ventures, Singtel Innov8, Sequoia India and SEA’s Surge (now Pe...

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White Peak Partners has acted as the sole financial advisor to Open Cosmos on its $50m Series B round led by ETF Partners, Trill Impact and A&G

by White Peak Partners

White Peak Partners has acted as the sole financial advisor to Open Cosmos on its $50m Series B round led by impact investors ETF Partners, Trill Impact and A&G. The round also included Accenture Vent...

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The entertainment industry is poised to finally unlock the power of data

by Arthur D. Little

Media companies need to evolve their technology capabilities to turn passive, cookie-cutter models into data-intelligent, transformative, value-added ones. They can do this by adopting technologies th...

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Scale Capital adquiere el 70% de MiFibra en Perú

by Scale Capital

Scale Capital, fondo internacional experto en nuevas tecnologías, ha cerrado un importante acuerdo con la compañía peruana MiFibra, -a través de una inyección de capital- para adquirir hasta el 7...

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OEMs: Time for a connectivity management sourcing strategy refresh?

by Arthur D. Little

In this Viewpoint, we discuss the impact that the transition from classic subscriber identity module (SIM) cards to embedded SIM (eSIM) cards will have on the Internet of Things (IoT) value chain. The...

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Axon moves into Cloud Technology

by Axon Partners Group

cloud technology axon

A&G Global Investors y SETT lideran una ...

by Grupo A&G

Esta ronda de inversión representa un hito clave para consolidar la p...

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