Caixa Capital Risc, a través de Criteria Venture Tech, lidera una ronda de financiación de 3,5 millones en la 'startup' Enline y refuerza su apuesta por Portugal

by Caixa Capital Risc

Criteria Venture Tech, fondo gestionado por Caixa Capital Risc, ha liderado una ronda de financiación de €3,5 millones en la startup portuguesa Enline, proveedora de tecnología de gemelos digitale...

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Codee cierra una ronda de €5 millones liderada por Swanlaab. Participan también Caixa Capital Risc, Unirisco, Armilar Venture Partners, KFund y Xesgalicia

by Swanlaab Venture Factory

El fondo hispano israelí Swanlaab anuncia una nueva inversión y lidera laronda de 5M de Codee, la primera plataforma española de desarrollo software especializada en performance. A esta ronda se ha...

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AbolerIS Pharma Announces €27 Million in Series A Financing led by Caixa Capital Risc to Advance its Novel Treatment Paradigm for Autoimmune and Inflammatory Diseases

by Caixa Capital Risc

AbolerIS Pharma, a Belgian biopharmaceutical company developing an entirely novel approach to the treatment of chronic autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, today announced a €27.3 million Series A ...

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Smartvel, participada por Faraday, adquiere ArrivalGuides, el mayor distribuidor mundial de contenidos de destinos, a Lion Ventures

by Faraday Venture Partners

Faraday ha invertido en Smartvel en 2018 junto con Caixa Capital Risc, FIDES Capital, Alsa y Pinama y desde entonces la empresa ha experimentado un sostenido crecimiento. Jaime Biel, Partner de Farada...

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Inari raises $5.2 Million Seed round led by Caixa Capital Risc to transform insurance infrastructure market

by Caixa Capital Risc

inari, a core technology infrastructure provider for the global insurance and reinsurance industry, has raised $5.2 million in funding as part of their Seed round led by Caixa Capital Risc, through Cr...

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Build38 raises €13M Series A Funding to Expand its Mobile App Security Business and Threat Intelligence Platform

by Caixa Capital Risc

Build38, a leading provider of mobile application protection solutions that combine AI-powered threat intelligence and the strongest app shielding technology, announced today it has closed €13 milli...

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Minoryx and Neuraxpharm announce a strategic alliance to provide a new therapy for rare CNS disease patients in Europe

by Columbus Venture Partners

Minoryx is backed by a syndicate of experienced investors, which includes Columbus Venture Partners, CDTI Innvierte, Caixa Capital Risc, Fund+, Ysios Capital, Roche Venture Fund, Kurma Partners, Chies...

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Caixa Capital Risc vende su participación en vLex al fondo Oakley Capital

by Caixa Capital Risc

Caixa Capital Risc, gestora de venture capital de CriteriaCaixa, ha vendido la participación que el fondo Caixa Capital Tic I tenía sobre la plataforma de búsqueda de información jurídica vLex. L...

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iPronics levanta €3,7 millones en una ronda liderada por Amadeus Capital Partners, con la participación de Caixa Capital Risc

by Caixa Capital Risc

​iPRONICS, la empresa pionera en computación fotónica que ha desarrollado el primer procesador fotónico de propósito general reconfigurable por software, ha anunciado hoy una ronda de inversión...

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Caixa Capital Risc leads €5.5M Series A funding round for Zinklar

by Caixa Capital Risc

Caixa Capital Risc, the venture capital arm of Criteria Caixa, announces today that it has led Zinklar’s €5.5M ($5.7M) Series A funding round, alongside new investors including EASO Ventures, Full...

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Amelia Virtual Care welcomes new investors and strengthens its management team

by Asabys Partners

ENDRA and CDTI Innvierte lead the new investment bringing up to €7million the total funds raised by the company in the last year, together with current investors Sabadell Asabys, Caixa Capital Risc ...

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Minoryx raises €51 million in a round co-led by Columbus Venture Partners and Caixa Capital Risc to support Marketing Authorization Application and launch preparations for X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) therapy

by Caixa Capital Risc

The round was co-led by Columbus Venture Partners and Caixa Capital Risc. Dr. Damià Tormo, representing Columbus Venture Partners, has joined Minoryx’s Board of Directors. CDTI, through its Innvier...

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Axon moves into Cloud Technology

by Axon Partners Group

cloud technology axon

Secondary Market in Venture Capital: A S...

by AltamarCAM Partners

After a decade in which Venture Capital has established itself as an i...

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