Indes Capital invertirá 30 millones en firmas en fase de reestructuración

by Expansión

El fondo tiene diez operaciones en cartera, según sus responsables, exprofesionales de EY y Alvarez & Marsal. Pretende comprar participaciones mayoritarias en pymes españolas en crisis

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COFIDES supports FCC in its internationalisation process in Bulgaria


The refuse collection and waste management sector in the key markets of .A.S.A. is mainly managed by local operating companies. .A.S.A. is the largest international operator in the area

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NK5 sells Baux to the US's Jupiter Aluminum having restructured and reinforced it during the last three years

by Livingstone

NK5, a leading player specialized in turning around and investing in enterprises facing financial and/or operating difficulties, has announced the sale of Baux, the Spanish industrial group devoted to...

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Alternatives to insolvency proceedings: restructuring plans and sale of the production unit

by Confianz

Insolvency proceedings are not the only option available to a company facing insolvency difficulties. Restructuring plans before and the sale of the production unit after the insolvency proceedings ar...

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ARPA asesora a Jofemar Corporación en la venta de la unidad productiva de Sentil a IVS Ibérica

by ARPA Abogados Consultores

ARPA Abogados Consultores ha prestado asesoramiento legal a Jofemar Corporación en la operación de venta de la unidad productiva de su participada Sentil a IVS Ibérica, filial del Grupo IVS y uno d...

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Axon moves into Cloud Technology

by Axon Partners Group

cloud technology axon

Leadec, a Triton portfolio company, acqu...

by Professional Newco

Leadec, a Triton Fund IV portfolio company and leading global service ...

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