Arena Investors and NK5 Agree To Form a Joint Venture To Invest in Opportunistic Real Estate Opportunities in Spain

by NK5

Arena Investors, LP, a global institutional asset manager, and NK5, a leading Spanish restructuring and principal investment firm through its real estate unit, NK5 Real Estate, have agreed to form a j...

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Álvaro Cid-Luna se incorpora como director a NK5

by NK5
  • 4 years ago
  • NK5

NK5, firma de inversión especializada en la reestructuración de capital y en la financiación de empresas que atraviesan dificultades financieras u operativas, ha anunciado la incorporación de Álv...

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NK5 sells Baux to the US's Jupiter Aluminum having restructured and reinforced it during the last three years

by Livingstone

NK5, a leading player specialized in turning around and investing in enterprises facing financial and/or operating difficulties, has announced the sale of Baux, the Spanish industrial group devoted to...

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Axon moves into Cloud Technology

by Axon Partners Group

cloud technology axon

Banco Sabadell y Antai Ventures lanzan ...

by Antai Venture Studio

Necta Ventures permitirá a los inversores participar desde una aporta...

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