Diego Moreno y Juan Romero, nuevos socios de Livingstone España

by Livingstone

Siguiendo la estrategia de Livingstone de apoyar el desarrollo profesional a largo plazo de sus talentos clave, la firma ha anunciado que Diego Moreno y Juan Romero han sido ascendidos a la posición ...

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Serendipia Capital Partners acquires Commsal Estructuras Metálicas

by Livingstone

Livingstone’s Industrial team has advised Commsal Estructuras Metálicas on its sale to Serendipia Capital Partners. This transaction places the Spanish manufacturer of metal structures under the fi...

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Livingstone advises on the acquisition of Aludium by Jupiter Aluminum Corporation

by Livingstone

Livingstone advises Jupiter Aluminum Corporation (JAC) on the acquisition of Aludium. The definitive agreement between Jupiter Aluminum and Atlas was signed on April 12, 2023. Closing of the transacti...

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Facility Management and Support Services in Europe II: Industrial Cleaning and Specialized Sanitation

by Livingstone

This report covers the sector of industrial cleaning and sewage management, which is currently experiencing a surge in transactions driven by strategic factors different to those of conventional clean...

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Livingstone has advised the independent oil and gas trader Vilma Oil on the disposal of its LPG trading business to BW LPG

by Livingstone

Based on Vilma’s unique position in the trading industry, Livingstone managed to lead a structured sales process, leveraging the team's expertise in the sector, resulting in a successful transaction...

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Queka Real Partners acquires Factory Colchón

by Livingstone

With the incorporation of Queka, Factory Colchón plans to grow in regions where it does not currently have a presence and to this end it will implement an expansion plan to become a national leader i...

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Circet y KGPCo se unen para crear un líder mundial en servicios de redes de comunicaciones

by Livingstone

Durante más de una década, Livingstone ha asesorado a KGPCo en numerosas operaciones de transformación, incluyendo las adquisiciones de Embarq Logistics from Embarq Corporation (conocida ahora como...

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Livingstone advises Permasteelisa Group on its divestiture of its Spanish subsidiary to Mutares

by Livingstone

Livingstone's Industrial sector team has advised Permasteelisa Group on the sale of its Spanish subsidiary, Permasteelisa España to Mutares SE & Co. Permasteelisa Group is a world leader in architect...

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Livingstone advised Etex on sale of Marley SA Pty to Kutana Investment Group

by Livingstone

Livingstone has successfully advised Etex, a Belgian international building materials specialist, in divesting its South African Residential Roofing subsidiary Marley (SA) (Pty) Ltd to Kutana Investme...

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Livingstone advises Broadstep on its recapitalization to Bain Capital’s Double Impact Fund

by Livingstone

Livingstone’s Healthcare team announced the recapitalization of Broadstep Behavioral Health to Bain Capital’s Double Impact fund, a Boston-based private equity firm focusing on lower middle-market...

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NK5 sells Baux to the US's Jupiter Aluminum having restructured and reinforced it during the last three years

by Livingstone

NK5, a leading player specialized in turning around and investing in enterprises facing financial and/or operating difficulties, has announced the sale of Baux, the Spanish industrial group devoted to...

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El informe de Livingstone Global Acquirer Trends H2 2017 destaca que la actividad del M&A se mantiene alta

by Livingstone

Neil Collen, Socio de Livingstone ha comentado: “España ha hecho sus deberes, su crecimiento lidera Europa. Las empresas que han superado los últimos años difíciles son más eficaces, eficientes...

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Axon moves into Cloud Technology

by Axon Partners Group

cloud technology axon

Qualitas Energy welcomes €200 million ...

by Qualitas Energy

The Qualitas Energy Credit team specialises in providing debt solution...

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