Trucksters cierra una ronda de financiación Serie A de 6,3 millones de euros liderada por Kibo Ventures

by Kibo Ventures

A la startup española se le une también el fondo alemán Amplifier, enfocado en logística, y Bonsai Partners, una de las referencias del ecosistema startup español. También han participado sus ac...

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ACCIONA, CAF and EIT InnoEnergy bet on Zeleros to accelerate hyperloop in Europe

by EIT InnoEnergy

Zeleros, the European company based in Valencia (Spain) that develops a scalable hyperloop system, has announced the support of three key players that will accelerate the development of its pioneering...

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Meridia exits two portfolios in office and logistics

by Meridia Capital Partners

The alternative investment manager Meridia Capital is pleased to announce that today it has closed the sale of one portfolio comprising office and logistics assets from its vehicle Meridia Real Estate...

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DLA Piper asesora a Starwood Capital Group en la adquisición de activos logísticos y de oficinas

by DLA Piper

DLA Piper ha asesorado a Starwood Capital Group en la adquisición, en representación de los fondos que gestiona y controla, de tres activos propiedad de la gestora de fondos de inversión Meridia Ca...

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Mutua acquires from Portobello ElParking and Imbric mobility platforms

by Portobello Capital

Mutua Madrileña and Portobello Capital have reached an agreement whereby the insurer buys the ElParking and Imbric app. With almost two million users, ElParking is present in more than 160 cities and...

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AZORA amplia su capacidad de inversión en última milla a 250 M€ con Indosuez

by Azora

Azora ha anunciado la expansión de su estrategia logística de última milla centrada en España, al haber recaudado compromisos de capital de clientes de la subsidiaria de gestión de patrimonio de ...

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Rolls-Royce signs agreement to sell ITP Aero

by Bain Capital

Rolls-Royce has announced that it has signed a definitive agreement to sell 100% of ITP Aero to Bain Capital Private Equity, which is leading a consortium of investors, for approximately €1.7 billio...

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La startup de logística para ecommerce Amphora cierra una ronda de 1M € liderada por JME y Kapita. Participan también Encomenda, Abac y Bstartup

by Abac Capital

Amphora, la startup que ofrece soluciones logísticas a los ecommerce impulsadas por la tecnología, ha captado 1 millón de euros. La ronda está liderada por JME y Kapita. También han participado E...

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Prime+ logistics and with no fixed costs for any DTC brand: iF Lastmile launches in Spain with a 1.5M€ round

by K Fund

They are currently working with top DTC brands such as Northweek, Laura Vecino or Hemper and have the backing of a 1.5M€ round from funds such as K Fund, Lanai and other private investors from impor...

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Iberia y Maresa Logística venden Cacesa a Talde por €50 millones


Cacesa está participada al 75% por Iberia y al 25% por Maresa Logística. La compañía, que cuenta con oficinas propias y franquiciados exclusivos en Europa, América Latina, África y Asia y una a...

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CDTI enters in SATLANTIS’ capital, in a 16.5 million round of investment

by Enagás Emprende

With the entry of CDTI in its capital, SATLANTIS has closed its second-round investment to which Enagás, Sepi, Orza and Axis-Ico are also incorporated, for a cumulative total of 16.5 million euros.

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Talde together with KCE and other investors acquires 100% of Cacesa


The consortium of investors led by Talde and in which Kaizaharra Corporación Empresarial (KCE) has participated, announces the acquisition of the logistics operator Cacesa (Compañía Auxiliar al Car...

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Axon moves into Cloud Technology

by Axon Partners Group

cloud technology axon

Atitlan entra como socio en el fabricant...

by Atitlan

En 2024, Gaviota alcanzó una facturación de 260 millones de euros, u...

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