Africa Capital Digest - The Weekly Wrap, September 11th, 2017

por Allan Cunningham

Both the Financial Services and the Agriculture sectors were very well-represented in the private equity deal and fund raising news coming out of Africa last week. In one case, the deal was something ...

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Seminario King & Wood Mallesons de Private Equity: 'El capital riesgo como activo de referencia. El punto de vista del LP'

por Addleshaw Goddard

En los últimos meses hemos visto como el sector del capital riesgo se ha consolidado como uno de los más atractivos para los inversores. Pero, ¿qué es lo que determina el éxito de un fondo?, ¿qu...

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Africa Capital Digest - The Weekly Wrap, September 18th, 2017

por Allan Cunningham

We're in the season of public holidays on several continents important to Africa's private capital markets which probably accounts for the lack of volume in deal activity last week. Of the deals that ...

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H.I.G vende a Mediapro el grupo Tres60

por H.I.G. Europe

HIG compró Tres60 en 2013 a Vértice. Después de tres años de reestructuración societaria y de personal, y tras implantar una estrategia de diversificación e internacionalización del negocio, el...

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Resilience Partners cierra su primer fondo y debuta con Medcomtech

por Resilience Partners

Resilience Partners Fund I S.C.A., SICAR firma de deuda privada / “direct lending” creada por ex-directivos de 3i y Rabobank, logró en agosto su “first close” por encima de su objetivo de 40M...

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Africa Capital Digest - The Weekly Wrap, September 25th, 2017

por Allan Cunningham

Africa's power sector saw the biggest investment deal last week. On the sidelines of U.N. General Assembly meeting in New York, Highland Group Holdings signed an agreement to co-invest $100 million al...

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Rakuten invierte en Glovo en una ronda de más de 25 millones

por La Vanguardia

Glovo había captado anteriormente algo más de 7 millones. Fuentes del sector explican que a principios de este 2017 se había valorado la compañía en unos 15 millones de euros; la actual valoraci

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African Development Bank approves EUR15mn investment in Mediterrania Capital Partners

por Mediterrania Capital Partners

This contribution will allow the Fund to provide access to finance to mid-sized businesses of high growth potential and proven business models who are aiming to become regional players. With the targe...

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Africa Capital Digest - The Weekly Wrap, October 02nd, 2017

por Allan Cunningham

The biggest deal of the week was a PIPE transaction. Britam Holdings, the announced that AfricInvest was investing $55 million to acquire an approximate 14.3% stake in the Nairobi Stock Exchange-liste...

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Africa Capital Digest - The Weekly Wrap, October 09th, 2017

por Allan Cunningham

Private capital deal activity had a distinctly SME flavor last week in Africa. None of the 9-digit values we'd seen in recent weeks were to be found. But the firms doing the deals included some of the...

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Africa Capital Digest - The Weekly Wrap, October 16th, 2017

por Allan Cunningham

Big names and decent-sized deals characterized last week's private capital transactions in Africa last week. It's likely the biggest came to us courtesy of Ethos Private Equity who sold the 72% stake ...

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EY y ASCRI resaltan el buen año del Capital Privado y destacan el atractivo inversor de España

por EY - Ernst & Young

ASCRI resalta que el Capital Privado registró record en el primer semestre en captación de fondos, inversión y desinversión. Según una encuesta realizada por EY antes del verano, el 61% de las em...

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Axon moves into Cloud Technology

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Cuatrecasas asesora a Grupo Aguilera en ...

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