The Paradox of Venture Capital Success in Regional Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

por Professional Newco

Venture capital investors Victor W. Hwang and Greg Horowitt use the analogy of a biology ecosystem to describe the distinctive elements of successful entrepreneurial ecosystems in their book The Rainf...

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Angels Capital invierte 2,2 millones en cuatro empresas de Lanzadera

por Professional Newco
  • 11 years ago

La sociedad de capital riesgo Angels Capital, creada por Juan Roig, ha anunciado que invertirá 2,2 millones en las empresas Codigames, EsLife, Science Fantasy y viVood, todas ellas salientes de la pr...

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What every entrepreneur should know about financing right now

por Professional Newco
  • 11 years ago

Over the past few years, we have seen an explosion of start-up activity as the traditional barriers to entry have come down. The ability to raise money no longer determines one’s fate. With lowered ...

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Start-up Strategy: Bridging the 'Valuation Gap' Between Entrepreneur and Investor

por Professional Newco

If you have ever watched an episode of CBC’s Dragons' Den or ABC's equivalent, Shark Tank, I’m sure you have seen some great businesses fail to reach a deal because the targeted valuation was way ...

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Deloitte: 2014 Global venture capital confidence survey results

por Deloitte
  • 11 years ago

Research validates that venture capital fundraising and IPOs are on the rise, with favorable investment outlooks continuing in cloud computing and mobile technology

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Sabadell se une a Lara para invertir en capital riesgo

por Expansión
  • 11 years ago

Las sociedades de inversión del banco, Bidsa, Aurica XXI y Sinia, estrenan consejo de cara a reactivar su actividad en 2015 con nuevos fondos

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The Changing Structure of the VC Industry

por Professional Newco
  • 11 years ago

There has been much discussion in the past few years of the changing structure of the venture capital industry.

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Venture Capitalists Get Paid Well to Lose Money

por Harvard Business Review
  • 11 years ago

2013 had all the signs of being a comeback year for venture capital. Booming public equities and a recovered IPO market generated record portfolio company exits and distributions from VC funds.

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Oleada de nuevos fondos de venture capital en España

por Expansión

El venture capital no mueve cantidades de dinero tan abultadas como las de capital riesgo. Pero como alternativa a la financiación bancaria es clave para las empresas que echan a rodar

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Las start up captan 55 millones de euros, cuatro veces más que en 2013

por Expansión
  • 11 years ago

La alegría inversora ha vuelto.Poco más de 30 start up con sede en Catalunya han recibido 55,6 millones de euros de inversores privados y entidades oficiales en rondas de financiación cerradas entr...

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Billage, startup de Business Booster, cierra ronda de inversión por 150.000 €

por Professional Newco
  • 11 years ago

Los inversores que han entrado en dicha ronda son BANC, Business Angels Network de Catalunya, y Sinensis Seed Capital, el Venture Capital de la aceleradora Business Booster.

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Link2Ventures invests in FundedByMe

por Professional Newco
  • 11 years ago

FundedByMe today announced that the Singapore based investment company Link2Ventures invests an undisclosed amount in the company for further expansions into Asia Pacific

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