The entertainment industry is poised to finally unlock the power of data

por Arthur D. Little

Media companies need to evolve their technology capabilities to turn passive, cookie-cutter models into data-intelligent, transformative, value-added ones. They can do this by adopting technologies th...

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OEMs: Time for a connectivity management sourcing strategy refresh?

por Arthur D. Little

In this Viewpoint, we discuss the impact that the transition from classic subscriber identity module (SIM) cards to embedded SIM (eSIM) cards will have on the Internet of Things (IoT) value chain. The...

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EZ Telecom cierra una ronda de 500.000 € liderada por Faraday para acelerar su crecimiento

por Faraday Venture Partners

La telco española EZ Easy Telecom, especializada en soluciones de distribución de líneas móviles y fibra marca blanca para operadores y distribuidores locales especialmente en zonas rurales de Esp...

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How telecom operators can accelerate customer migration to advanced networks

por Arthur D. Little

The telecom industry is evolving rapidly, simultaneously witnessing the rise of new, advanced network transitions while current technology becomes obsolete. This Viewpoint explores how mobile telecom ...

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The AI-amplified telco: How to expand beyond use cases

por Arthur D. Little

AI is already demonstrating the potential for significant financial, organizational, and operational benefits. A sharp focus on the three building blocks of next-gen customer engagement, tech factory ...

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Fiber 1 + 1 = 3: An equation for effective post-merger integration

por Arthur D. Little

With tightening market conditions and ambitious competitive plans, the fiber to the home (FTTH) market seems poised for consolidation. In this Viewpoint, we argue that consolidation presents value cre...

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Reshaping telecom investment in a next-generation world

por Arthur D. Little

Telco operators are facing declining profitability from a combination of stagnant or negative revenue growth resulting from competition and increasing CAPEX/OPEX caused by increasing user traffic. Whi...

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The interplay of regulation and telco asset reconfiguration

por Arthur D. Little

Integrated telcos undergoing separation/asset reconfiguration must carefully balance several factors, not least of which is regulation. The regulatory benefits from asset reconfiguration strongly depe...

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Leveraging AI to transform telco’s commercial models

por Arthur D. Little

AI is reshaping the commercial landscape for telecom companies. It offers innovative solutions that empower telcos to operate with heightened efficiency and precision. In this Viewpoint, we explore ho...

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La startup de conectividad y movilidad Stellar capta 9,3 millones a través de una ronda liderada por Elewit y financiación pública

por Elewit

Además de Elewit, en la ronda de financiación también ha participado el inversor institucional italiano Primo Ventures, a través de su Primo Space Fund; el holding empresarial italiano Alchimia In...

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EZ Telecom cierra una nueva ronda de 1.000.000 € liderada por Faraday y Fondo Bolsa Social para acelerar su crecimiento en zonas rurales

por Faraday Venture Partners

En la presente ronda, EZ Easy Telecom ha contado con una reinversión de 500.000€ de Faraday Venture Partners, que eleva su inversión total en la compañía a 1 M€. En esta ronda entra en el capi...

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Network APIs set to change the way businesses consume connectivity

por Arthur D. Little

Emerging use cases like Industry 4.0, drones, connected mobility, and more are fueling the demand for a new set of network application programming interfaces (APIs). Communication service providers (C...

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Axon moves into Cloud Technology

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