Three new investors are joining EIT Innoenergy cap table as shareholders: Austrian-based
OMV, which strives to become an integrated sustainable chemicals, fuels and energy company; Romanian integrated energy company
OMV Petrom; and Netherlands-based investment company, ACB Participaties B.V.
New proceeds top-up 2023 private placement round
The new shareholders broaden InnoEnergy’s investor base, topping up the 2023 private placement round of over €140 million in fresh equity, building upon InnoEnergy’s footprint in Europe. The use of proceeds will be similar to last year’s
private placement: (1) increase new deal flow; (2) accompany the current 200 portfolio companies in their growth, especially relevant in the “dry” current capital markets; (3) increase the launch of new industrial champions, capturing opportunities from the new regulatory NZIA (Net Zero Industry Act) framework; and (4) accelerate the expansion in the US.
A concerted effort is needed from all sectors
Diego Pavia, CEO of InnoEnergy said: “The inclusion of these three shareholders is yet another demonstration of trust in InnoEnergy’s ability to fast-track the sustainable energy transition and reach Europe’s reindustrialisation goals. Industrial investors are finding new pathways for their own acceleration and contribution to the energy transition. OMV and OMV Petrom’s commitment towards net zero is a compass for many of their peers. InnoEnergy deeply believes that the speed of the energy transition will be higher with our partner companies accelerating their transformation. A concerted effort is needed from all sectors, and we are here to support such transitions.”
It’s time to scale, it’s time to go big
Anne-Marie Rakhorst of ACB Participaties B.V., and EIT InnoEnergy Supervisory Board Member, said: “If you really want to fast track the energy transition, then you invest in InnoEnergy. It’s time to scale, it’s time to go big.”
EIT InnoEnergy’s shareholders
The new investors join the 35 other
existing shareholders representing the industrial, financial, training and digital sectors. These include: AGH, Augur SCMT, Capgemini, CEA, EDF, ENGIE, Esade, Grenoble INP-UGA, Groupe Idec, ING, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Koolen Industries, KTH, KU Leuven, Naturgy, NIIT, Politechnika Śląska, Pulse – CMA CGM Energy Fund, Rafako Grupa PBG, Renault Group, Santander CIB, Schneider Electric, Siemens Financial Services, SIPLEC E.Leclerc, Société Générale, Stena Recycling, Técnico Lisboa, TOTAL, TU/e, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Universität Stuttgart, Uppsala Universitet, VITO, Volkswagen Group, and Wroclaw University of Science and Technology.