Barcelona-based startup Sycai Medical raises €3 Million led by LUMO Labs and Ship2B Ventures to improve early diagnosis of cancer in the abdomen

by Ship2B Ventures

Sycai Medical has announced having successfully closed a €3 Million investment round from a pan-European consortium of LUMO Labs, Ship2B Ventures, Athos Capital and Namarel Ventures for the further ...

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MiMARK Diagnostics, S.L. successfully Closes First Seed Round with €4.22 Million to Impact on Gynecological Diagnostics

by Inveready Asset Management

The substantial investment will drive the development of the company's groundbreaking gynecological diagnostics solutions, with key EU participation from the EIC Accelerator (European Innovation Counc...

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MiMARK Diagnostics raises €1M to accelerate the development of its in vitro diagnostic assay for endometrial cancer


MiMARK Diagnostics, a spin-off of the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) specialising in the development of innovative solutions for gynaecological diagnostics with headquarters in the Barcelon...

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Nimble Diagnostics cierra una ronda un millón de euros liderada por Grow Ventures junto con Namarel Ventures e Inveniam Group

by Grow Venture Partners

Nimble Diagnostics, 'spin-off' del IGTP, la UPC y la UB, ha cerrado con éxito una ronda de financiación donde han conseguido más un millón de euros liderada por Grow Ventures junto con Namarel Ven...

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La biomédica ELEM levanta €1,2 millones a través de Capital Cell para lanzar la plataforma de ensayos clínicos en 'avatares' humanos

by Capital Cell

ELEM, spin-off del Barcelona Supercomputing Center ha cerrado la ronda de financiación a través de la plataforma Capital Cell, levantando un total de más de 1.200.000€. Entre los inversores que h...

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Axon moves into Cloud Technology

by Axon Partners Group

cloud technology axon

Atitlan entra como socio en el fabricant...

by Atitlan

En 2024, Gaviota alcanzó una facturación de 260 millones de euros, u...

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