Entrecanales liderará la tecnológica Aida

por Expansión
  • 10 years ago

La fundación vinculada a Acciona se convierte en primer accionista de la compañía especializada en identificación por radiofrecuencia

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Lean Investment lanza un fondo de deuda para TIC

por Expansión

El nuevo club de inversores prevé entrar en diez ‘start up’ tecnológicas con inversiones de entre 25.000 euros y 100.000 euros en su primer año

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IMAP Albia Capital: Informe Transacciones Corporativas y Tendencias en España Industria de Software

por Albia Capital Partners

La industria de software en España ha venido creciendo durante los últimos años, hasta alcanzar los 3.500 millones de euros en el 2018 (+4,4% CAGR 2013-2018). A su vez, durante este periodo de tiem...

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The race to smart home energy management systems

por Arthur D. Little

Amidst the uncertainties and challenges of today’s energy market, home energy management systems (HEMS) can offer value to end users by addressing unmet needs and emerging pain points such as energy...

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Informe Baker Tilly de Valoración de las Aplicaciones de Software 2023

por Baker Tilly

El Informe de Valoración de la Industria de Aplicaciones de Software 2023, desarrollado por Baker Tilly, brinda una exploración exhaustiva de este sector en constante evolución. En este análisis, ...

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How to protect your data from the increasing risk of cyber threats

por Arthur D. Little
  • 12 months ago

Increases in data and digitalization processes have led to an escalation of cyberattacks against companies and institutions as well as to a continuously evolving regulatory environment and a need for ...

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How CSPs can capture ICT value with a new segmentation strategy

por Arthur D. Little

Many communications service providers (CSPs) struggle to extract value from information and communications technology (ICT). We believe this is strongly due in part to an obsolete business-to-business...

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Últimas transacciones del sector Enterprise Software

por Baker Tilly

El sector del enterprise software sigue mostrando una notable actividad en fusiones y adquisiciones, lo que pone de relieve el impulso de toda la industria hacia la expansión, la mejora de las capaci...

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Network APIs set to change the way businesses consume connectivity

por Arthur D. Little

Emerging use cases like Industry 4.0, drones, connected mobility, and more are fueling the demand for a new set of network application programming interfaces (APIs). Communication service providers (C...

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How companies can navigate cyber threats & exploit opportunities in the age of AI

por Arthur D. Little

AI is rapidly evolving from a set of complex expert tools to a user-friendly technology that’s substantially impacting the cybersecurity landscape. Even as AI enhances threat detection and response,...

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Navigating the AI investment landscape. A guide for private equity

por Arthur D. Little

AI continues to evolve, and much like the software that came before, it “is eating the world.” AI has increasingly attracted attention from private equity (PE) investors seeking to capitalize on t...

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Axon moves into Cloud Technology

by Axon Partners Group

cloud technology

A&G Global Investors y SETT lideran una ...

by Grupo A&G

Esta ronda de inversión representa un hito clave para consolidar la p...

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