During the first half of the year, six new innovative companies joined the EIT InnoEnergy equity Portfolio.

“As an innovation engine, EIT InnoEnergy is assessing investment cases on a constant basis. However, the real job is to work with the ventures to make business cases bigger, faster and safer. This is: de-risking”- said Elena Bou, Co-Founder and Innovation Director of EIT InnoEnergy.

Welcome The Batteries, HPS, H2GreenSteel, DUCKT, Volytica and Camelina.

With these new entries, our storage, hydrogen, transport & mobility and circular economy portfolios have expanded, enabling us to reach new markets and customers with the companies we support. More info about the newcomers in our different portfolios:


The Batteries

Thin-film lithium-ion batteries that outperform conventional lithium-ion batteries.

Currently, the demand for batteries is higher than the supply. Conventional lithium-ion battery producers are selling for future production. The Batteries has devised a method to produce thin-film lithium-ion batteries that is over ten times cheaper than competitive technologies.

More info: https://www.innoenergy.com/discover-innovative-solutions/sustainable-products-and-services/the-batteries/


HPS (Home Power Solutions)

100% autarkic and CO2-free electricity and heat in private residences all year round.

Increasing energy distribution costs and CO2 emissions puts pressure on residential customers who need easy solutions to “go green”, and even completely autarkic.

More info: https://www.innoenergy.com/discover-innovative-solutions/sustainable-products-and-services/picea/


Accelerating the decarbonisation of steel production

With H2 Green Steel, we are committed to accelerating change in the industry by eliminating virtually almost all CO₂ emissions from the steel making process.

More info: https://www.innoenergy.com/news-events/h2-green-steel-will-produce-5m-tons-of-co2-free-steel-mobilize-25b-investments-and-create-10-000-jobs/




DUCKT helps organise public space, lower operational costs and create a better experience, with a plug and play universal adaptor and charge solution.

More info: https://www.innoenergy.com/discover-innovative-solutions/sustainable-products-and-services/duckt/


Battery diagnosis as a service

Volytica are specialised on field data evaluation of batteries. Their algorithms don’t need excessive initial training or lab tests – they take advantage of the abundance of information contained in real data. They propose a cloud-based platform for battery diagnosis as a service, with APIs to easily integrate your raw data. They analyse them and hand the results back to you.

More info: https://www.innoenergy.com/discover-innovative-solutions/sustainable-products-and-services/battery-diagnosis-as-a-service/https://www.volytica.com/



Sustainable ILUC feedstock grown in fallow land in Europe.

Camelina crop is an oil crop feedstock that can be cultivated in marginal or fallow land in arid dry land regions. It does not displace food production and generates additional revenues for farmers.

More info: https://www.innoenergy.com/discover-innovative-solutions/sustainable-products-and-services/camelina-planting-seed/

If you are interested to meet these innovative companies in person, don’t miss the opportunity to come to our flagship event “The Business Booster” in Berlin on 3-4 November, For more information visit: https://tbb.innoenergy.com/

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