As part of the ITU’s Partner2Connect (P2C) Digital Coalition, Axon Partners Group Consulting are proud to announce its pledge to support Least Developed Countries (LDC) through comprehensive cybersecurity framework assessments in line with ITU’s latest Guidelines.

Today, societies are globally interconnected and increasingly dependent on Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) and digital infrastructures. However, this interconnectivity presents a multitude of vulnerabilities and ongoing emerging threats and risks that need to be properly managed. Consequently, enhancing the cybersecurity landscape is essential to every nation’s security and economic well-being.

Cybersecurity is an ever-changing and complex challenge that encompasses numerous different aspects including, governance, policy, operational, technical and legal disciplines. Cybersecurity is therefore a shared responsibility that requires coordinated action across government authorities, the private sector and civil society.

Axon Partners Group Consulting has long been an advocate of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for many matters related to information and communication technologies.

In 2021, the ITU published the second version of their “Guide to Developing a National Cybersecurity Strategy”, in which Axon Partners Group Consulting is one of the co-signatories. The purpose of this Guide is to support national leaders and policymakers in the development of defensive and proactive responses to cyber risks in the form of a national cybersecurity strategy.

Over the past few years, we have seen how countries are progressing differently. Unfortunately, this progression has created a divide and many countries are still in a very immature phase in their national cybersecurity strategies. This is particularly the case for the most less developed countries in the world.

As an ITU Sector Member, Axon Partners Group Consulting is fully committed to providing ongoing support and ensuring that these countries are not left behind.

As part of the ITU’s Partner2Connect Digital Coalition, committed to bridging the digital divide by 2030, we are proud to be making a pledge to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the existing cybersecurity frameworks in a selection of five Least Developed Countries (LDC), based on ITU’s definition.

Through this pledge, we will work with national representatives to help them understand the state’s cybersecurity needs and define actionable recommendations aimed at improving the cybersecurity ecosystem of these countries.

The ultimate objective of our pledge is therefore to provide strategic support to national leaders and policymakers in the ongoing development, establishment, and implementation of national cybersecurity strategies and policies. We are confident that our pledge will serve as a useful tool for all stakeholders with cybersecurity responsibilities in these countries.

The Partner2Connect Digital Coalition has already achieved significant milestones, most importantly, the creation of a powerful community that aims to transform the world by connecting everyone, across the globe, meaningfully and safely.

So far, 374 pledges across 94 countries worth a staggering $24.15bn have been put forward. This commitment to universal meaningful connectivity not only covers a wealth of financial resources and ambitious, ground-breaking digital developments, but also, enabling ICT policies, and bold new advocacy plans to bridge the digital divide and create fertile ground for new partnerships and alliances.

Click below to find out more about ITU’s Partner2Connect Digital Coalition.

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