This capital increase will allow 3P to consolidate its activity and drive its international expansion

The Navarrese company 3P Biopharmaceuticals has announced today a capital increase of 6 million euros. The operation was carried out through the share ownership of a new partner, the Spanish pharmaceutical group Infarco, which is now the company’s major shareholder.

Thanks to this operation, included in its strategic plan, 3P has obtained the necessary financial resources to strengthen its staff and infrastructure to meeting the growing demand of its future customer base, consisting mostly of consolidated biotech companies and multinationals from the biopharmaceutical sector.

Infarco, meanwhile, undertakes this investment as part of a strategy of diversification and internationalization that will permit it to enter the world of biotechnology.

3P was created and promoted by a group of partners involved in the biotechnology sector. Thanks to the financial effort of these partners, and the initial momentum provided by the Government of Navarre through Sodena, 3P has been able to consolidate its activity, making it attractive to industrial partners such as Infarco. Carlos Fernandez Valdivielso, who is also the president of 3P and the managing director of Sodena, 3P’s majority shareholder to date, believes that “the entry of Infarco, a great point of reference in the pharmaceutical sector, is an outstanding agreement for both parties and strengthens the biotechnology sector in Navarra.”

Enhanced capacity to respond to international demands

As Dámaso Molero, the General Manager of 3P, explains, “with this capital increase, we will have greater capacity to respond to the demand from biotech companies worldwide, both in human resources and infrastructure, equipment and technology. Moreover,” he adds, “it will allow us to tailor our services to our customers, who have relied on the company since its inception”.
“In this sense,” he states, “having the support of a partner as solid as Infarco is strengthens our market position and our management model, which is based on trust and long-term relationships with our customers.”

The biomedical cluster in Navarre, which has other, first-class centers such as CIMA, has been strengthened by this new alliance between two leading healthcare companies. Thus, Navarre once again demonstrates its research, scientific and industrial capacity, and biotechnology is consolidated in the region as both an international benchmark and the engine for the generation of GDP and employment.

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