Endurance Partners (EP) is an investment vehicle focused on providing liquidity solutions and operational improvement to Spanish small and medium sized ...
Escalona & De Fuentes has been providing objective and impartial advice and outstanding service for over 25 YEARS. The Quality, Commitment and Empathy of our lawyers are...
ORIGIN Professionals with a common background in the same or other international auditing, legal and tax consultancy firms and law firms. ...
Eurazeo is a leading global investment company, with a diversified portfolio of €35 billion in assets under management, including nearly €24.7 billion from third parties, invested in around ...
Faraday is Spain’s principal Private Investors’ Club in innovative business initiatives, with over 200 active Partners, who have invested in 27 c...
Farside es un venture builder de tecnologías avanzadas para industrias maduras. Crea startups de la mano de emprendedores, mediante la detección de disruptivas ideas y las transf...
Fellow Funders es una plataforma de inversión profesional que ofrece la posibilidad de invertir en startups de alto potencial tanto a inversores institucionales como business angels y particu...
With a clear international outlook, Fieldfisher is a global law firm that provides a comprehensive legal advice to corporate entities. We are amongst Spanish leading law firms, with more than ...
Propuesta de valor: Foro Capital Pymes somos una entidad que organizamos foros de encuentro entre pymes españolas e inversores. Acuden a los foros los más importantes inverso...
Forvis Mazars is an international, integrated and independent firm, specialising in audit, consulting, financial advisory, legal and tax advice, sustainability and outsourcing services, which t...
Somos un equipo de abogados, cuyo objetivo es prestar un asesoramiento práctico y cercano a nuestros clientes, basado en la excelencia profesional. Ayudamo...
The Technology-Based Entrepreneur Area of the Fundación para el conocimiento madri+d promotes the entrepreneurial culture, the knowledge and development of the regional entrepreneurial ecosyst...