GED is an independent investment firm founded in 1996 by investment professionals who developed the Spanish Private Equity industry. GED Capital has reached a current volume of ~€1.000m assets under management, being the only lower mid-market player that has built-up stable and dedicated Private Equity, Infrastructure and Venture Capital teams
There are 50 people on the team.
Private Equity: Leader in Spain in the low/mid-market segment with a clear buyout and buy&build strategy. Demonstrated ability to originate, execute, finance investments, and carry out divestments at different stages of the economic cycle. Solid operational knowledge and experience in internationalization strategies.
Infrastructure: Investments covering a wide range of assets, in sectors such as transport and mobility, energy and communication, among others. Manages structural funds under the supervision of the European Investment Bank (EIB) for urban development and energy efficiency in various regions of Spain.
Venture Capital: Investment strategy from seed to series-A of “start-ups”. Focus on digital technologies, Health, BioTech, Clean Tech, FoodTech, etc. It offers innovative companies a fast track of growth towards the US thanks to its proprietary network.
Private Equity: Hands-on approach based on value creation such as: operational improvement, build-ups, internationalization, and creation of market leaders. GED has a proven ability to provide significant added value to mid-market companies during different economic cycles.
Infrastructure: Management capacity of any kind of Infrastructure throughout its development cycle. Structuring and start-up capacity in greenfield projects and improvement in the operation and maximization of value in brownfield assets, thanks to the industrial expertise of the team and a great capacity for dialogue with the sector’s ecosystem.
Venture Capital: Hands-on approach based on the demanding selection of Iberian startups, with innovative technologies and/or disruptive business models, in Seed, Post-Seed and Series A phase, helping them to manage exponential growth in the European and American market, through the attraction of specialized international VC funds to finance new financing rounds and to prepare the future exit, preferably in the USA.
Our Target:
Private Equity: Small and medium-sized companies with a minimum value of 40 million euros, mainly in the manufacturing and industrial services, health, food & beverage sectors.
GED Infrastructure Iberia: mature infrastructure in the areas of mobility, environment, telecommunications, social infrastructure and renewable energy within the euro zone and the UK.
GED Andalucia Urbano: greenfield projects for sustainable urban development in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia in areas such as urban and historical heritage rehabilitation, mobility, water and waste, energy efficiency and health infrastructure, among others.
Venture Capital: Iberian technology start-ups, mainly in the CleanTech, Health-tech, BioTech, DeepTech and Digital verticals (AI, cybersecurity, fintech, marketplaces, etc.) Seed, Post Seed and series A rounds