Alantra becomes a strategic partner to MCH Investment Strategies to support its growth plan and internationalisation

by Alantra

Alantra and MCH Investment Strategies have reached an agreement whereby Alantra will acquire a 40% stake in MCH Investment Strategies and become its strategic partner to support its growth plans. Thro...

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Mutuactivos, Alantra Wealth Management y Bankia lanzan con MCH IS un fondo pionero en inversiones alternativas

by Alantra

Este fondo tendrá como objetivo construir una cartera diversificada y global de activos alternativos de diversos segmentos de inversión, fundamentalmente private equity y activos reales (infraestruc...

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Axon moves into Cloud Technology

by Axon Partners Group

cloud technology axon

Asteo obtiene 50 MM€ de Allianz Global...

by Professional Newco

Actualmente Asteo despliega redes de fibra óptica ultra rápida en zo...

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