Now in its ninth edition, the Cuatrecasas Acelera open innovation program, which has helped over 50 startups to validate their legal strategy and improve their compliance, has selected six projects fr...
Cuatrecasas Acelera has closed a new cycle upholding its interest in discovering and anticipating new business models, fostering development of the most innovative proposals and strengthening the firm...
El programa de aceleración de startups Cuatrecasas Acelera, tras recibir más de 100 candidaturas procedentes de España, Portugal y Latinoamérica, se ha decantado por seis startups enfocadas en los...
Entre las participantes, Cuatrecasas Acelera seleccionará a seis que bien pueden ser legaltech o startups que afronten un reto jurídico relevante derivado de su propio modelo de negocio o de la apli...
Cuatrecasas Acelera, el programa de aceleración de startups con base tecnológica y complejidad jurídica, ha puesto el punto final a su sexta edición con la celebración del Demo Day. En el transcu...
On Wednesday, February 23, Cuatrecasas will hold a Demo Day in its Barcelona office auditorium, thus concluding the sixth Cuatrecasas Acelera program. This accelerator program has helped over 35 start...
The sixth edition of Cuatrecasas Acelera, the Cuatrecasas acceleration program that has helped over 35 startups to get traction for their projects, has already selected the six startups that will bene...
Cuatrecasas Acelera, the first startup accelerator program in Europe promoted by a law firm, launches its sixth edition and extends its campaign to Latin America. The Cuatrecasas Fast Track program, a...
The winning startup, Menhir Financial, is a platform that works with banks, funds and servicers to find out how to distribute NPLs most efficiently and maximize the performance of these assets. It has...
The Cuatrecasas accelerator program for legaltech startups and startups with high legal complexity opens registration for its fifth edition. Cuatrecasas Acelera, the first startup accelerator program ...
The winning startup, TOQIO, is a banking and finance platform that reduces the entrance barriers to business innovation in the financial sector. It helps companies of all kinds to launch financial pro...
Cuatrecasas Acelera, la primera aceleradora de startups en Europa promovida por un despacho de abogados, anuncia su cuarta edición tras haber acompañado a más de 20 startups junto a Telefónica Ope...