* UN I+D+i Tech Transfer v.c.f., managed by Clave Mayor, was launched in November 2015, with the goal of investing mostly in technology projects and in their early stages, mainly originated within the University of Navarra environment.
* Axis Participaciones Industriales (FondICO) participates in the Fund, within the framework of the first call for investment ‘vehicles in terms of incubation’, promoted in 2014 by this Public Investor.
* The fund emerges with a sum of nearly €9 million and has formalized its two first investment operations, which are focused in the health sector. It has also approved the participation in two other technological projects, one of them in the industrial sector and the other one related to the Internet.
First investment of the Fund: Innoprick S.L.
- Recently established company that has developed an innovative technology aimed at allergy testing through the use of a medical device, designed and developed within the University of Navarra environment.
- The Project was originated from the Allergy Department of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CUN, University of Navarra Clinic) and the need, detected by Dr. Gastaminza, for improving and optimizing the way allergy tests are taken through an innovative medical device.
- As a result of this concern, it has been developed, within the Technology Campus of University of Navarra and in collaboration with CUN, a prototype of a patented and validated device that includes a variety of technological resources, and has achieved significant positive results, improving existing procedures substantially.
- The fund has participated in the establishment of the company and has pledged to contribute EUR 550,000 in several stages, together with other private investors.
- The goal of the investment is to finalize the development of the technology and initiate the placing on the market of the product; for this purpose, it is supported by some first-level partners of the sector.
Investment of the fund in Eversens S.L.
- Company established in 2015 for the development and manufacturing of medical devices relate to biomarkers in human breath.
- The company originated as a result of a collaboration project between Grupo Infarco (CINFA) and the School of Industrial & ICT Engineering (UPNA Sensors Group) from Public University of Navarre, for the diagnosis of asthma based on exhaled nitric oxide.
- Once the capacity of the technology has been validated through tests carried out in laboratory, the goal of the company is placing the device in the market, since it improves existing procedures and provides additional functionalities to the existing state of the art. The company also aims to maintain their R&D activity in order to develop other devices, incorporating advanced sensors for the health sector.
- The project relies on the involvement and accompaniment of two industrial groups with experience in these types of processes.
- The fund has pledged to contribute up to EUR 330,000 and, together with other investors, like the public company dependent on the Government of Navarre, Sodena, that will contribute EUR 70,000 through a participation loan expandable up to EUR 100,000, will fulfill the estimated financial needs.
About Clave Mayor
CLAVE MAYOR, S.A., SGEIC is a management company of venture capital entities founded in 1998. Currently manages more than ten investment vehicles with different investing strategy.
Particularly in the field of Venture Capital, the company has focused on technology transfer projects, promoting in 2015 the constitution of two funds associated with university departments and research centers, for a total amount of nearly EUR 13 million. In the last call of FondICO Global, Clave Mayor has also been awarded for the promotion of another fund of EUR 15 million, linked to an industrial Spanish Group, and plans to launch more funds in 2017, also related with technology transfer.
Clave Mayor has 3 offices located in Valladolid, Pamplona and Valencia, staffed by 12 highly experienced professionals in the fields of finance, investment banking, consulting, health sciences, agro-food sector and retail.