Nace Battchain, un consorcio español de baterías coordinado por EIT InnoEnergy para acelerar la recuperación económica verde

por EIT InnoEnergy

El consorcio requerirá una inversión de 1.200 millones de euros para desplegar sus proyectos industriales principalmente relacionados con el sector automoción. Gracias a estos proyectos, se creará...

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Victoria Venture Capital e InnoEnergy venden Nnergix a socios de Circutor

por EIT InnoEnergy

Smilics Technologies, empresa fundada por Carles Pons y Bernat Pons, accionistas del grupo CIRCUTOR, refuerza su apuesta por la transición energética complementando sus productos con la capacidad ...

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Can tech giants capture the next trillion-dollar market?

por EIT InnoEnergy

The rapid growth in renewable energy sector has transformed electricity into a decentralised commodity enabling consumers to produce their own electricity and also sell the excess to their electricity...

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EIT InnoEnergy invierte en la empresa navarra Nabrawind

por EIT InnoEnergy

La entrada de EIT InnoEnergy en el capital de la empresa navarra implica un doble hito. En primer lugar, esta acción estaba condicionada a la finalización del proyecto de la torre Nabralift, con la ...

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Changing realities for talent management in the energy sector as the race for climate-neutrality heats up

por EIT InnoEnergy

The EU has responded by developing its Green Deal with the overarching aim of creating the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Ultimate goals include achieving zero pollution, affordable and secu...

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La start-up española Scoobic logra una inversión de dos millones de euros de InnoEnergy

por EIT InnoEnergy

Scoobic Group, que diseña y comercializa vehículos eléctricos para los repartos de última milla, ha cerrado una inversión de dos millones de euros por parte de la entidad promotora de la innovaci...

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EIT InnoEnergy announces new initiative to speed climate neutrality, by developing €100 billion a year green hydrogen economy by 2025

por EIT InnoEnergy

EIT InnoEnergy the leading engine for innovation and entrepreneurship in sustainable energy in Europe, today launched the European Green Hydrogen Acceleration Center (EGHAC), an unprecedented effort t...

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EIT InnoEnergy invested in SunRoof to support product development and global expansion

por EIT InnoEnergy

SunRoof, a Swedish-Polish start-up developing fully solar 2-in-1 roofs and facades as well as solutions to support smart energy management, raised €2 million in a late seed round for product develop...

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EIT InnoEnergy and ONO partner to transform urban logistics

por EIT InnoEnergy

EIT InnoEnergy, the innovation engine for sustainable energy across Europe, has unveiled a new partnership with ONO, a Berlin-based pioneer in emission-free last mile urban transport solutions. The pa...

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Cleantech Camp selects the 15 projects for training programme

por EIT InnoEnergy

The projects were chosen from more than 70 applications made in January, of which 50 passed the first selection phase. The finalist start-ups are now fighting for the final prize, which can reach the ...

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EIT InnoEnergy Invests over 4 Million Euro in Electric In-Wheel Drive Pioneer Elaphe Propulsion Technologies

por EIT InnoEnergy

EIT InnoEnergy, the innovation engine for sustainable energy across Europe, has announced a 4.2 million Euro A+ investment in Elaphe Propulsion Technologies Ltd. (Elaphe), a world leader in electric i...

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Why are tech giants banking on renewable energy? A bright future for energy engineers.

por EIT InnoEnergy

Energy is rapidly transforming electricity systems worldwide, which is already a major factor for anyone interested in pursuing further studies in sustainable energy engineering. The unique selling po...

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