Indexa Capital Group it is the parent company of Indexa Capital AV, which accounts for 97% of the group’s revenue, Indexa Caravel, and Bewater Asset Management SGEIC
Indexa Capital AV is the leading independent automated manager in Spain since 2015, also present in Belgium since 2020. Investment fund portfolios, pension plans, and life insurance with lower costs, higher returns, and global diversification.
Bewater Asset Management SGEIC is the closed collective investment fund manager in Spain. Offers professional investors the opportunity to invest in profitable unlisted companies, through its single-investment or diversified funds.
Indexa Caravel is the French insurance broker operating under the Caravel brand (responsible retirement savings products) and the Indexa brand (indexed life insurance-savings).
Indexa Capital Group was founded in 2015 by Unai Ansejo, François Derbaix, and Ramón Blanco, experts with recognized experience in markets, investments, and internet business, and is supported by top advisors such as Luis Martín Cabiedes, Luis M. Viceira, Manuel Conthe, and Pedro Luis Uriarte.
Indexa Capital
• Unai Ansejo Barra, Co-CEO and Founder
• François Derbaix, Co-CEO and Founder
• Ramón Blanco Duelo, Board Member and Founder
• Juan Aguado Peña, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Back Office
• Elisa Lana Fraga, Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
• Illán Alfredo Perales Aparicio, Head of Customer Service
• Carlota Corral Cascón, Head of Investments
• Patrizia Cotza, Head of User Experience and Marketing
• Laura Cabana Rodríguez, Head of Talent
• Fernando Murujosa Álvarez, Head of Compliance
• Charline Nguessan, Finance and Compliance Manager in France
• Roberto Bermejo, Back-End Developer
• Ventura Mendo, Back-End Developer
• Mariana Del Cura, Back Office
• Mónica Gómez Delgado, Customer Service and Back Office
• Evelyn Capa Acaro, Compliance
• Sandra Tejedor Delso, Back-End Developer
• Baltasar Ramírez Romero, Back-End Developer
• Adrien Duchange, Business Development for Belgium and France
• Rubén Garcia Paterman, Back Office and Customer Service
• Manuel Ramos Aísa, Back-End Developer
• Jorge Burgaleta Lobejón, Back-End Developer
• Juan Llamazares, Back-End Developer
• Hugo Rivas Geslin, Back-End Developer
• Mara Figueroa Martínez, Compliance
• Leyre Rodríguez Irureta, User Experience and Marketing
• Jesús Periñán Dávila, Back-End Developer
• Javier Pascual Casas, Customer Service and Back Office
• Pablo Ramos Aísa, Back-End Developer
• Rafael Juárez de Pinto, Finance
• Aitor Gutiérrez Mendoza, Customer Service and Back Office
• Antonio Blanca Pérez, Customer Service and Back Office
• Pablo Soler Rodríguez, Back-End Developer
• Daniel Martínez Castro, Customer Service and Back Office
• Fátima Valente Mosqueda, Customer Service and Back Office
• Gaizka Elizagarate Urdangarín, Back-End Developer
• María Ojeda Ruiz, User Experience
• Diego Quevedo García, Finance
• Ismael Aguirre Álvarez, Customer Service and Back Office
• Beatriz Garrido, Digital Communication
• Ricardo Valiente, UX/UI Consultant, Front-End Developer
Bewater Funds
• Ramón Blanco Duelo, Co-CEO and Founder
• François Derbaix, Co-Founder and Board Member
• Unai Ansejo, Co-Founder and Board Member
• Miriam Vegas, Finance and Compliance Director
• Edgar Couto, Head of Investments
• Mónica Berrocal Bueno, Back-End Developer
• Olivier Rull, Co-Founder - Product & Development
• Marie Janoviez, Co-Founder – Marketing
• Hugo Lancel, Co-Founder - Operations
• Timé Kadel, Lead Developer
• Hugo Rivas, Developer
• Lily Ba, Client Relations Manager
• Jean de Kerangal, Marketing & Communications Manager
Indexa Capital Group SA was established in 2014 under the initial name ‘Bewa7er Market SL’, with the aim of offering a first version of what is now Bewater Funds. It started its activity in June 2014 and put it on hiatus in September 2014 with the aim of finding a better regulatory fit.
From September 2015, the founding team prioritises the development of Indexa Capital AV, a securities brokerage firm authorised by the CNMV (no. 257), which is set up in November 2015 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Indexa Capital Group and starts its activity in December 2015.
In March 2018, the second subsidiary, Bewater Asset Management SGEIC de Tipo Cerrado SA (‘Bewater Funds’), a closed-end investment fund manager, was incorporated.
In November 2020, INDEXA CAPITAL AV, SA starts its activity in Belgium under the freedom to provide services.
In January 2022, the third subsidiary, Indexa Courtier d'Assurance SAS (‘Société par Actions Simplifiée’ under French law), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Indexa Capital Group, is set up to market life-savings insurance in France.
In July 2023 Indexa Capital Group is listed on BME Growth, the SME market of Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME).
En 2024 Indexa Capital Group acquires 100% of Caravel, an insurance broker specialising in retirement savings in France.
Our mission is to help our clients achieve their financial goals. To do this, we provide access to a diversified and low-cost investment proposal.
Indexa's vision is to be the independent manager with the most assets under management in Spain, and to have a relevant size in the markets where we are present. We aspire to be the leading entity to which retail clients in continental Europe turn to make their investments.
Bewater's vision is to offer investors the best risk-adjusted return in the market segments in which it operates.
Our values:
1. The client comes first: Our long-term success as a company depends on the success of our clients. We are an LPB model: Always Low Prices. We prioritize sustainable improvement over one-time offerings.
2. We create value for our shareholders: We aim to provide our shareholders with a return appropriate to the risk they assume.
3. We seek continuous improvement: We question the status quo. We prioritize automation over manual operations.
4. We are honest: We tell the truth: our reputation, the trust of our clients, team, and shareholders are our main asset. We prioritize data-driven decision-making over opinions.
5. We focus on the long term: In our decisions, we value long-term impact above all else.
Perfil de clientes
• Indexa Capital:
o Fund portfolios: individual investors and company representatives interested in automated management within the European Union (except Cyprus and Malta), the United Kingdom (except Gibraltar), Switzerland, Norway, and Iceland.
o Pension plans and life insurance: individual investors residing in Spain.
o Pension plans: individual investors residing in the Basque Country.
o Employment pension plans: for self-employed residents in Spain (excluding the Basque Country) and companies with a Spanish tax ID.
• Bewater Funds: professional investors.
• Caravel: individual investors residing in France interested in environmentally and socially responsible investments.