We’re very proud to announce the Teamleader Integration Fund. Software developers can apply for a chunk of the fund to build a new integration between their app and Teamleader, or to improve an already existing one. It’s a huge step in our evolution from product to platform: it will help our users work even smarter, encourages software builders to join our ecosystem, and lowers the threshold for other businesses to reap the benefits of the cloud.

Last year, our yearly Work Smarter event marked the launch of Teamleader’s Marketplace: a platform to connect all your favourite tools. On 15 May, at the latest edition of Work Smarter, it was time to unveil our next step. With the Teamleader Integration Fund of 1 million EUR, we will be able to create even more exciting integrations.

CEO Jeroen De Wit: “We’ve started the road from product to platform some years ago. Adding useful integrations to suit different companies’ specific workflows, is essential to make that transition a success. And it’s in everybody’s best interest: we want to be an important cog in the machine that drives European SMEs to cloud-based work. In the end, cloud adoption will benefit them all, no matter what their goal is.”

Why create more integrations?

It’s no secret: we love the cloud, and firmly believe every business can and should benefit from it. So do leading experts, by the way: initiatives like the European Commission’s Digital Single Market see cloud adoption as a major economic growth driver.

So our goal is to help companies run a better business by offering fast access to more integrations between Teamleader and other tools. As a result, our customers - and potential customers - have a much bigger toolbox to fit their specific workflows and become even more productive and efficient.

How do these integrations support your business?

  • Cloud-based tools that can share data and work perfectly together improve productivity, cost-efficiency and collaboration in your business and will ultimately have a positive impact on your revenue and growth.
  • Choosing software tools that complement each other and support your entire workflow is a crucial step in the digital transformation of your company.
  • Cloud software is a low-cost way of handling your business’ ICT needs and, coupled with new ways of doing business digitally, boost growth and employment.

Maarten Van Hoorickx, Country Manager Belgium “A typical small business might use Teamleader in combination with big SaaS tools like Dropbox, Office 365 or MailChimp. This fund opens up the possibilities to have these tools work seamlessly together with their favorite local software, like bookkeeping or marketing tools. We’re thrilled with this fantastic new pillar supporting our local approach.”

What’s in it for other software companies?

The software market is big, and sometimes intimidating - especially for non-tech entrepreneurs. So instead of bombarding them with competing offers, why not join hands?

Our integration fund gives software vendors the push in the back to develop software that complements other software, and approach our buyers audience with easy-access solutions to their daily workflow challenges.

Plus, by integrating with other software, vendors make their own product better and more functional. Everybody wins!

CTO Tom Schouteden: “We want to make European businesses more aware of the benefits of a connected, cloud-based workflow. We want to make our Teamleader ecosystem as expansive as possible to answer every business’ needs. And we want to make it as easy as possible for other SaaS vendors to join our ecosystem, thereby offering our buyers better products with more possibilities, and leveraging one another’s customer bases.”

How can developers apply?

To make building integrations easier for external developers, we’ve built a brand new API with every possible future integration in mind.

Are you a software developer interested in building your own integration? Well, why wouldn’t you be? With access to almost 10.000 SMEs all over Europe and loads of co-marketing possibilities, it’s the perfect way to expand your business. Find out if you qualify for our funding and apply now!

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