AIT, according to its Strategic Plan 2019-2022 and the ambitious growth challenges that it will face in this period, has given entry in its shareholding to the Private Equity Fund Talde.

AIT is a becnhmark company worldwide in the manufacturing of materials for sound insulation that are used as acoustic or sono-reduction barriers in the automotive, construction and industry sectors. Among the company business lines, it stands out as a European leader among independent operators in the automotive segment, where it serves the main TIER I manufacturers.

AIT main objective for the coming years is to consolidate as Global Partners for its clients, offering globally its new developments with the best service. Accordingly, the company has two production plants in Europe, headquarters in Spain and another plant in Poland, where activity started in 2016 as the first step of the internationalization process.

With the shareholding reinforcement that the incorporation of Talde to the Project involves, it intends to continue that expansion, which will be realized with the opening of a third production plant in the USA in September 2019, from which the entire NAFTA area will be served.

The founding partners who will continue to be linked to the shareholding of the company, will remain in its management during this new growth stage of the Group.

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