In 2024, Private Equity recorded a volume of activity of€5.61bn in 150 investments. Regarding Venture Capital, last year ended with a volume of €925M in a total of 575 investments (3% more than in...
Los datos recabados por SpainCap muestran que se mantiene el apetito inversor de los fondos internacionales tanto de Private Equity como de Venture Capital, que cuentan con abundante liquidez y mantie...
Según las primeras estimaciones obtenidas por SpainCap a través de la plataforma europea EDC, el volumen de inversión en España alcanzó en la primera mitad del año 1.916M€, un 35% menos que en...
Kibo Ventures, Oquendo Capital, Cinven, Miura Partners, Portobello Capital, Nazca Capital, Global Social Impact y José María Zalbidegoitia (Talde) son los galardonados en la 17ª Edición de los Pre...
The report, in collaboration with Kfund, Wayra, SpainCap, Endeavor, GoHub Ventures, BBVA Spark, and Enisa, emphasizes that in 2023, Spanish startups raised €2.2 billion through over 850 funding roun...
According to preliminary estimates by SpainCap, obtained through the European platform EDC, private capital investment volume in Spain in 2023 reached €6.11 billion with a total of 781 investments (...
According to the first estimates obtained by SpainCap through the European EDC platform, the investment volume in Spain reached €3,005M in the first half of the year, 46% less than in the same perio...
Los fondos internacionales registraron récord de inversión en las empresas españolas: 7.406M€ y se cerraron 15 megadeals. Los fondos privados nacionales invirtieron €1.685M€ en 592 inversione...
100% of the interviewed Spanish private capital fund managers integrate ESG criteria in their investment process and 89% of them audit and verify their impact metrics. These are two of the main conclu...
According to the study "Private Equity and Job Creation", prepared by SpainCap, Private Capital continues to prove to be a fundamental lever for growth and job creation for Spanish companies, even in ...