GENESIS Tech Transfer Boost invests €50,000 in the funding round of Ownmed Innovation, which closes with a total of €630,000

by Genesis Ventures

Ownmed is a spin-off born out of the collaboration between the Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Gregorio Marañón (FIBHGM), the Fundación Instituto de Investigación Sanitar...

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GENESIS Tech Transfer Boost incorporates a new investment partner, PINONO S.L.

by Genesis Ventures

GENESIS Tech Transfer Boost, an investment vehicle managed by GENESIS Biomed, is adding a new partner. The vehicle was created in April 2022 with the aim of detecting and investing in early-stage proj...

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Success stories of GENESIS Biomed as Venture Builder

by Genesis Ventures

GENESIS Biomed, which emerged as a biomedical health sector consultancy specialising in providing consultancy services precisely in the genesis and early stages of the life cycle of biomedical spin-of...

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GENESIS Biomed and FI Group create GENESIS Tech Transfer Boost, a new investment vehicle that will invest in early stage projects from healthcare research

by Genesis Ventures

The consultancy firms GENESIS Biomed and FI Group, leaders in biomedical strategic consultancy and in advising on the financing of R&D&I and the management of calls for public grants and funding, resp...

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Axon moves into Cloud Technology

by Axon Partners Group

cloud technology axon

Asteo obtiene 50 MM€ de Allianz Global...

by Professional Newco

Actualmente Asteo despliega redes de fibra óptica ultra rápida en zo...

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