Ladorian, impulsada por Lanzadera, cierra una ronda de €5 millones liderada por Rakuten Capital. Participan también Vertical Partners y Endeavor Catalyst

by Lanzadera

Ladorian, startup especializada en personalizar mensajes en espacios físicos, ha cerrado una ronda de inversión de 5 millones de euros. La empresa, que está siendo acelerada por Lanzadera, ha desar...

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ODILO cierra una ronda de 10M$ liderada por liderada por Swanlaab Venture Factory. Participan Endeavor Catalyst, CDTI, KIBO VC, JME VC y Active VP

by Kibo Ventures

ODILO ha cerrado una ronda de financiación de 10 millones de dólares liderada por Swanlaab Venture Factory, añadiendo también nuevos inversores internacionales como Endeavor Catalyst y contando co...

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Ontruck secures 17M€ funding round led by OGCI Climate Investments

by Eurazeo

This investment brings Ontruck’s total capital raised to more than 53 million euros from funds including Cathay Innovation, Atomico, Idinvest Partners and Total Carbon Neutrality Ventures. Endeavor ...

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Wallbox completes second tranche of €23M Series A investment led by Seaya, and also followed up by Endeavor and Iberdrola

by Seaya Ventures

Wallbox, the smart EV charging company based in Barcelona, today announced the closing of a €12 million second tranche of Series A investment in early March, bringing the total Series A round to €...

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Worldsensing capta 8,3 millones € y se establecerá en EE.UU. y Asia

by La Vanguardia

Esta última ronda ha estado liderada por McRock Capital, fondo especializado en el internet de las cosas, y ETF Partners, fondo europeo especializado en sostenibilidad, y ha participado también Cisc...

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Yogome closes investment round of USD 6.6M from Seaya Ventures, and becomes a global leader on the EdTech sector

by Seaya Ventures

Yogome, a leader on digital education, closed its Series A round with an investment of USD 6.6M from the Spanish fund Seaya Ventures (investor of Cabify and SinDelantal). Additionally, under the leade...

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Axon moves into Cloud Technology

by Axon Partners Group

cloud technology axon

Secondary Market in Venture Capital: A S...

by AltamarCAM Partners

After a decade in which Venture Capital has established itself as an i...

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