ACCIONA, CAF and EIT InnoEnergy bet on Zeleros to accelerate hyperloop in Europe

by EIT InnoEnergy

Zeleros, the European company based in Valencia (Spain) that develops a scalable hyperloop system, has announced the support of three key players that will accelerate the development of its pioneering...

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€25 million+ fund launches to accelerate energy transition start-ups

by EIT InnoEnergy

Against the backdrop of the European Green Deal’s ambitious goal to be a climate-neutral continent by 2050, the inception of the ENION Fund was sponsored by EIT InnoEnergy, the world’s largest sus...

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Spanish battery consortium led by EIT InnoEnergy unveiled to accelerate green economic recovery

by EIT InnoEnergy

Today, major Spanish industrial companies announce Battchain, a consortium formed to respond to increasing demand for batteries. Battchain aims to accelerate Europe’s green economic recovery by expa...

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EIT InnoEnergy becomes a new shareholder of Nabrawind

by EIT InnoEnergy

EIT InnoEnergy has become Nabrawind's new partner, joining Evoluwind, Barinaga y Alberdi, Sodena and Basarro. The new shareholder exercises the right to purchase the shares it had acquired in the capi...

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La start-up española Scoobic logra una inversión de dos millones de euros de InnoEnergy

by EIT InnoEnergy

Scoobic Group, que diseña y comercializa vehículos eléctricos para los repartos de última milla, ha cerrado una inversión de dos millones de euros por parte de la entidad promotora de la innovaci...

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EIT InnoEnergy Invests over 4 Million Euro in Electric In-Wheel Drive Pioneer Elaphe Propulsion Technologies

by EIT InnoEnergy

EIT InnoEnergy, the innovation engine for sustainable energy across Europe, has announced a 4.2 million Euro A+ investment in Elaphe Propulsion Technologies Ltd. (Elaphe), a world leader in electric i...

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EIT InnoEnergy and everis to launch investment fund to accelerate the energy transition

by EIT InnoEnergy

The fund will have a target size of between 25 and 30 million euros, of which 5 are already committed by the EIT holding company InnoEnergy and the venture capital arm of the everis Group (FiTalent). ...

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EIT InnoEnergy invertirá €12 millones en España y Portugal

by EIT InnoEnergy

La entidad promotora de la innovación en energía sostenible en Europa ha anunciado su objetivo de finalizar el ejercicio de 2020 con una inversión cercana a los 12 millones de euros destinada a pro...

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The 3 ways 'digital-first learning' is shaping sustainable energy education

by EIT InnoEnergy

To be clear, digital-first learning does not mean designing for digital only. The goal is to offer a much broader range of learning activities than today – focusing the on-campus work to a be high a...

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Axon moves into Cloud Technology

by Axon Partners Group

cloud technology axon

Repsol Corporate Venturing invierte en D...

by Repsol Corporate Venturing

Darwin Bioprospecting Excellence es una startup surgida de la Universi...

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