Qualitas Funds is delighted to announce the successful acquisition of Epiona, a new incorporation to the portfolio of Qualitas Funds Direct I. This transaction is a co-investment made with one of our Germany based GPs specialized in merging small and medium-sized businesses in specific service sectors into profitable groups.

Epiona endeavors to establish a network of outpatient chronic pain centers in the DACH region, commencing in Switzerland, to strategically address the growing demand for evidence-based treatment methodologies tailored for chronic pain patients. The company provides a sophisticated multimodal interdisciplinary treatment, led by seasoned physicians with a demonstrated track record. These practitioners typically engage with chronic patients over prolonged durations, employing well-recognized interventional procedures and behavioral therapy methodologies to substantially alleviate pain. Diverging from conventional specialists such as orthopedists and surgeons, pain specialists extend their therapeutic interventions comprehensively across all potential pain-causing areas. Epiona is dedicated to delivering a curated suite of therapies, utilizing a business-centric approach, to significantly enhance the overall quality of life for individuals grappling with chronic pain.

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