Cuatrecasas has advised business conglomerate Serveis i Administracions Masergrup S.L., owner of Fruselva, on formalizing an agreement to acquire all the share capital and take control of Comercial Agroalimentaria S.L. as well as the rest of the companies, real estate and production assets linked to the production of plant-based drinks, broths and soups.

With this transaction, Fruselva resumes production and marketing in Europe, entering the plant-based drinks sector, which is in high demand worldwide, and broadens its line of baby food products based on affordable and nutritious produce, aligned with its sustainability strategy. It also acquires production capacity in Europe with the current Costa factory in Riudoms (Baix Camp), which has Tetra Pak industrial packaging lines for plant-based milks to which Fruselva will add pouch packaging lines for baby food.

The advisory team was led by Corporate and M&A partner Miguel Trías, together with lawyer Santiago Casas from the same practice.

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