COFIDES is backing the expansion of Tecnologías Avanzadas Inspiralia S.L. in the Austrian market. The SME will acquire the consultancy business of M27 Fedas Management und Beratungs GmbH, a company specialising in consultancy for innovation and research and development grants, with the support of a 500,000 euro co-investment loan from the FONPYME.

With this project, Inspiralia plans to invest 1.95 million euros in order to consolidate its presence in Austria and to target the German and Swiss market, taking advantage of economies of scale and the fact that they share a common language. The SME has already been present in the country since 2018, when it acquired a consultancy services company specialising in structured finance and the raising of funds for environmental projects.

Inspiralia's growth in recent years is due to its specialisation in the provision of technical consultancy services related to securing European grants for SMEs. Its support is crucial in that it makes it easier for SMEs to develop their products and to launch them on the market while minimising financial risks. Within this line of work, the role played in the Horizon 2020 Programme 'SME Instrument' (2014-2020) stands out and will serve as a basis for a more significant role in the Horizon Europe Programme (2021-2027), a continuation of the previous programme with a budget of 100,000 million euros (30% more than the previous one). Another factor that has contributed to Inspiralia's diversification and growth is its presence in the United States for the last three years.

José Luis Curbelo, Chairman of COFIDES, said that "this project encompasses several very important objectives for the company: we are providing support to an SME which in turn specialises in strengthening other SMEs and promoting their innovation and development, within the aid ecosystem through which the European Union is helping to improve the competitiveness and technological know-how of our companies".

The CEO of Inspiralia, Alfredo Sanchez, said: "This acquisition lays the foundations for Inspiralia's growth in a region which is key because of its geographical location and its role as Europe's engine. The strong network of innovative companies in Austria, Switzerland and Germany means that Inspiralia is in an excellent position to offer its services not only on a European level, but also on a local and regional level. COFIDES' support is therefore essential in order to ensure the optimal financing of the operation".


This project contributes significantly to the achievement of SDG 9 - Industry, innovation and infrastructure - because it relates to support for technological and environmental innovation. In addition, the European programmes that the SME itself supports are aligned with the SDGs.


Tecnologías Avanzadas Inspiralia, S.L. is an engineering and consultancy company founded in Madrid in 2005. Its mission is to develop innovative products so that its clients can improve their sustainability and benefit society. The SME has helped more than 5,000 European companies to obtain grants worth 320 million euros. It also works with Spanish SMEs to help them access CDTI funding.

Inspiralia has subsidiaries in the USA, UK and Austria and more than 100 employees. The markets in which it has been most active and where there has been the highest turnover during its 15-year history include Italy, Spain and France.


COFIDES, a State-owned company engaging in the management of State and third-party as well as its own funds, pursues a number of aims: internationalisation of Spain’s economy, furtherance of economic development and fortification of the solvency of companies affected by COVID-19. In addition to the Spanish State, its shareholders include Banco Santander, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA), Banco Sabadell and Development Bank of Latin America (CAF).

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