BStartup is Banco Sabadell’s service to support emerging innovative tech companies to develop their projects with the aim of guaranteeing their success.
We provide banking services specialised in startups and tech companies, equity investment and collaborative innovation.
Yolanda Pérez Sáez - Linked’In
BStartup Director
José M. Carol Miquel - Linked’In
BStartup Operational Director
Edurne Álvarez Embeita - Linked’In
Head of Communications and Events at BStartup
Susana Monrabà Morales - Linked’In
Communications and Events at BStartup
Marta Campillo Casado - Linked’In
BStartup 10 Investment Analyst
Laurent Arens - Linked’In
BStartup 10 Investment Analyst
Roger Blanch Alsina - Linked’In
BStartup Advisor
Angel Buigues Pérez - Linked’In
BStartup Advisor
Elena García Domínguez - Linked’In
BStartup Advisor
BStartup is Banco Sabadell’s service to support young and innovative technology companies in any stage of their development. We offer you:
·Banking Services specialized in startups and technology companies
Technology-based companies have different development and financing models than those of traditional companies.
That is why we offer specialized offices and managers, specific products (advanced payment platforms,
Venture Debt, CL startup insurance, technology renting ...), and a special risk circuit for the Credit operations this type of company needs.
We also have banking services for other agents in the ecosystem such as accelerators, investment funds and business angels (financing capital calls, etc).
·Investment in equity: BStartup 10
We invest €100k per project annually in over 10 startups in exchange for a share in stock. Companies also receive personalized support.
Banco Sabadell also has other investment vehicles: Sabadell Venture Capital that can accompany us in subsequent rounds of our holdings and invest up to €2M in companies in more advanced phases, and InnoCells, Banco Sabadell’s innovation hub and corporate venture arm.
Check out our portfolio here
·Innovation Cooperation
We function as a radar of Open Innovation opportunities and contribute to accelerate Banco Sabadell’s pace of digital innovation thanks to the partnership with startups that are developing solutions in the áreas of interest to the bank.
BStartup’s approach to the entrepreneurial ecosystem is holistic, with a proposal that integrates everything that a startup may be interested in from a large financial institution and vice versa, as BStartup offers startups financing and banking services, equity investment and collaborative innovation.
BStartup supports emerging innovative tech companies, as well as other agents in the ecosystem such as accelerators, investment funds, business angels, etc.