TaxDown cierra una ronda de $3M. Acuden FJ Labs y Abac Nest junto a business angels

by Abac Capital

Entra en el accionariado el gigante estadounidense FJ Labs, fondo de referencia que ha invertido en Uber, Alibaba y Dropbox, entre otros. Los buenos resultados del año pasado hicieron que los inverso...

Read more, the leading Artificial Intelligence services company, closed a 8.5 million dollar funding round to accelerate its growth

by Alma Mundi Ventures

The potential of this new Artificial Intelligence platform that was announced by the company some months ago, along with agreements for the use of’s AI services has convinced existing inve...

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Rentchester raises 750.000€ in funding round led by Faraday Venture Partners with participation from American, Emirati, French & Spanish investors

by Faraday Venture Partners

The startup offering Furniture as a Service "FaaS" through a flexible subscription model for a fixed monthly fee, has now closed its first seed round led by Faraday Venture Partners and also including...

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WA4STEAM angels invest in Jump Into Reality, creators of the leading VR software for interior designers

by Professional Newco

WA4STEAM members announce they have completed the investment in the 1st seed capital round of Jump Into Reality, creators of the leading VR software for interior designers

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Seaya Ventures leads a €3 million investment in Aquí tu Reforma

by Seaya Ventures

Aquí tu Reforma, Spain’s first technology-based home improvement franchise company, has completed a €3 million financing round led by venture capital fund Seaya Ventures and with the participatio...

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Impulso de la digitalización empresarial e inversión en nuevas tecnologías como impacto positivo de Covid19


Esta aceleración de la digitalización la encontramos en todos los sectores: elearning en educación, ecommerce en retail, servicios digitales y aplicaciones móviles en el entorno sanitario, big dat...

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La startup logística Cubyn cierra una ronda Serie C de 35M€ y contratará a 220 personas para entrar en el mercado español

by Professional Newco

La startup logística europea especializada en procesos de fulfillment on demand Cubyn ha cerrado una ronda de financiación Serie C de 35 millones de euros liderada por Eurazeo y Bpifrance Large Vent...

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Unirisco entra en el negocio de la gamificación aplicada a los recursos humanos a través de Imagames

by Unirisco Galicia

Imagames emplea la plataforma tecnológica Matrix y proporciona una nueva herramienta para que los departamentos de recursos humanos puedan mejorar los resultados de sus políticas de personal tanto e...

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Aldea Ventures Announces First Close as it Targets €100M Fund to Back the Best Micro VCs and Future Champions of European Tech

by Aldea Ventures

Aldea Ventures has today announced a €60M first close of a target €100M first fund to invest in 700 technology-enabled startups across Europe. The firm takes a hybrid approach. Firstly, as a fund ...

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InnoCells, en colaboración con la fintech sueca Minna Technologies, estrena un servicio digital de control de pagos recurrentes

by InnoCells

Banco Sabadell ha lanzado el primer servicio de gestión de suscripciones en el mercado financiero español. La herramienta ha sido creada por el hub de negocios digitales del banco, InnoCells, en col...

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Las startups Minerva agrotech impulsan un riego más eficiente en el campo y en las zonas verdes

by Programa Minerva

Por el Programa Minerva han pasado diferentes startups que han desarrollado diversas innovaciones vinculadas a un uso eficiente del agua sobre todo en la agricultura, uno de los sectores de mayor peso...

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Fetcher Raises $6.5 Million Series A Led by G20 Ventures, Continuing to Grow Automated Recruiting Platform for Robust, Diverse Candidate Pipelines

by K Fund

Fetcher, a full-service, recruiting automation platform, announced today that it has raised a $6.5M Series A investment led by G20 Ventures, with participation from K Fund and existing investors Accom...

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Axon moves into Cloud Technology

by Axon Partners Group

cloud technology axon

Leadec, a Triton portfolio company, acqu...

by Professional Newco

Leadec, a Triton Fund IV portfolio company and leading global service ...

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