IMAP Albia Capital has advised the shareholders of Comercial Arrate, S.A. on the inclusion of BGH Edelstahlwerke GmbH as a strategic partner. The purpose of bringing this shareholder on board, which has acquired 100% of the share capital, is to undertake an important process of growing and expanding into new products and markets.

About Comercial Arrate, S.A.

Comercial Arrate, S.A. is a tool steel wholesaler with 70 years of experience in the market and with facilities in the Basque Country, Cataluña and Portugal.

About BGH Edelstahlwerke, GmbH

BGH Edelstahlwerke GmbH is a leading German industrial group with more than 550 years of history which manufactures stainless steel and nickel alloys. The group has six plants in Germany and one in Poland. It has a comercial presence in central and northern Europe, USA and South East Asia. The purpose of investing in Comercial Arrate is to cover the southern European market, with special emphasis on Spain and Portugal in the initial stage.”

About IMAP Albia Capital

IMAP Albia Capital ( is a firm specializing in mergers and acquisitions, and it is an exclusive member of IMAP in Spain. IMAP is an organization with a presence in 35 countries averaging 220 transactions per year over the last 10 years

Fuente: IMAP Albia Capital

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