Mediterrania Capital Partners is a dedicated Private Equity firm focusing on growth investments in SMEs and mid-cap companies in Africa. With offices in Abidjan, Algiers, Barcelona, Cairo, Casablanca, and Valletta, Mediterrania Capital Partners takes an intensely proactive, hands-on approach to implementing its growth strategy by leading the governance of the companies and driving the key internal value creation process.
“We help companies reach their next level of growth with the right implementation of our value creation model while focusing on responsible investments that create wealth for the region and its communities.” Albert Alsina, CEO and Managing Partner, Mediterrania Capital Partners.
Albert Alsina
Founder, CEO & Managing Partner
Hatim Ben Ahmed
Daniel Viñas
Saad Bendidi
Senior Partner
Borja García-Nieto
President of Grupo financiero Riva y García.
Founding Member of Riva y García.
Adel Si-Bouekaz
Investment Manager of Mediterrania Capital
Director of Nomad Capital
Based in Argel, Argelia
José Miguel Zaldo
Senior Advisor
MCP specializes in the following types of investment:
Expansion capital:
Shareholders allow the entry of a PE firm to support them in the strategic implementation of an ambitious expansion plan such as the launch of a new range of products, the expansion of production capacity, development of the commercial network or entry into new markets. MCP injects fresh equity to manifest expansion goals and adds additional value in the form of expert guidance and support to the management and an outstanding international reputation.
Management Buy Out (MBO):
MBO’s are operations in which the existing directors/managers are backed by a financial partner in order to acquire the business in which they operate. Potential MBOs are operations with a high potential of value creation given that the management team is highly specialized in the business’s operations.
Managemet Buy In (MBI):
In the case of an MBI, an external managing team is backed by a financial partner to acquire a company and take on the management of the business. If the actual management team joins in on this operation, the acquisition can be combined with a MBO, resulting in the beneficial union of internal and external visions.
We share risks and opportunities with our partners, aligning interests to create strong, trusting relationships that result in clear and unified management. This creates sustainable growth for our partners, and stability of returns to shareholders.
We modernize and professionalize the management of partner companies, revolutionizing internal processes and moving towards managerial independence. We respect their independence and ideas, stepping out of daily management while offering support and instituting advanced administrative and managerial systems.
We initiate companies into our extensive network of national and international contacts, offering support in the design of international expansion strategy. We implement a customized value creation plan and identify highest-impact priorities around which to build an operating plan.
We hold strong corporate and government connections, and continue to expand our reach in the Region throughout offices in Barcelona, Valletta, Casablanca, Algiers, Tunis and Accra.
Mediterrania invests in growth opportunities in the Maghreb region with potential expansion into Africa Sub-Saharan countries.