El Valor de las FinTech en el Comercio Internacional: Una Revolución Financiera

by Tbig Finance

España es el tercer país de Europa en cuanto al número de empresas FinTech. Según los datos del estudio ‘FinTech global visión 2023’, elaborado por Finnovating, en nuestro país hay 977 FinTe...

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How companies can navigate cyber threats & exploit opportunities in the age of AI

by Arthur D. Little

AI is rapidly evolving from a set of complex expert tools to a user-friendly technology that’s substantially impacting the cybersecurity landscape. Even as AI enhances threat detection and response,...

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Navigating the AI investment landscape. A guide for private equity

by Arthur D. Little

AI continues to evolve, and much like the software that came before, it “is eating the world.” AI has increasingly attracted attention from private equity (PE) investors seeking to capitalize on t...

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Peimi cierra una ronda de financiación de 415.000€

by Professional Newco

Peimi, herramienta de gestión de incentivos de la fuerza de ventas, ha anunciado el cierre de una ronda de financiación de 415.000 €, que combina una aportación de 255.000 € en equity y 163.000...

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Axon moves into Cloud Technology

by Axon Partners Group

cloud technology axon

Intelex Vision closes $7.0 million Serie...

by Inveready Asset Management

Intelex Vision, the pioneering company specialising in AI-driven video...

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