ICF celebrates 40 years of activity: Catalonia's public banks finance more than 37,000 companies and entities in four decades

by Institut Català de Finances (ICF)

The entity of the Government of Catalonia has provided more than 16,000 million euros to the business and social fabric through its activity in loans, guarantees and venture capital. Industry (30%) is...

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ICF finances Castelao Pictures with €1.2 million to boost the production of audiovisual projects in Catalonia

by Institut Català de Finances (ICF)

The ICF has financed Castelo Pictures through a loan of 1.2M euros to develop 18 audiovisual projects, 15 of them its own and three co-productions. All of them will be shot in Catalonia for exhibition...

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EIF and ICF mobilise €57 million in financing for sustainable projects

by Institut Català de Finances (ICF)

The European Investment Fund (EIF) and the Catalan Finance Institute (ICF) have signed a limited portfolio guarantee agreement worth €40 million with the support of the InvestEU programme. The agree...

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Meleghy Automotive invests, with support from ICF, 6.6 million euros in new production capacities at its Abrera plant and will generate 47 new jobs

by Institut Català de Finances (ICF)

The investment in the manufacturing facilities for components for compact electric vehicles has been co-financed by the ICF, BBVA and Bankinter in a commitment to the reindustrialisation of the compan...

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Printfa Group recovers an industrial warehouse in Montcada i Reixac with which it plans to create between 15 and 20 jobs

by Institut Català de Finances (ICF)

The ICF and BBVA are financing, in equal parts, the purchase of the 19,000 m² facilities with €5.6 million to promote the reindustrialization of Catalonia. The acquisition will allow the pharmaceut...

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ICF invests three million euros in the CRB Digital Health III fund, the first in Spain to specialise in digital health

by Institut Català de Finances (ICF)

The fund's investment strategy, which aims to reach €50 million, focuses on innovative companies that are in the commercial phase or close to the commercialization of their products and services, in...

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ICF finances LANG LASER to move half of its production from Germany to Catalonia

by Institut Català de Finances (ICF)

The Institut Català de Finances (ICF) has financed with 528,000 euros the laser technology company Lang Laser to adapt and open an industrial plant in Sant Salvador de Guardiola (Bages), where it wil...

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ICF Calculates Emissions from Its Financing for the First Time with the Goal of Achieving Climate Neutrality by 2050

by Institut Català de Finances (ICF)

The entity focuses its efforts on reducing the carbon footprint of the projects it finances, which represents 99% of its global environmental impact. Generalitat de Catalunya's public promotion bank j...

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ICF finances with €1.6 million Peinaje del Río Llobregat to install a photovoltaic plant

by Institut Català de Finances (ICF)

The public bank lends 1.6 million euros to the Bages company to replace the fibre cement roof of its warehouse with an insulated roof that now houses a solar energy park that saves 726 tons of CO₂ p...

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ICF invests €3 million in Inclimo Climate Tech Fund

by Inclimo

The Institut Català de Finances (ICF) has approved an investment of €3 million in Inclimo Climate Tech Fund, a fund dedicated to promoting the development of technological solutions for decarbonisa...

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ICF invests €6 million in decarbonisation through the SC Net Zero Ventures fund

by Institut Català de Finances (ICF)

The public development bank shows its commitment to sustainability and is committed to investing in Climate Tech by accompanying technologies that help the decarbonisation of the industrial, energy an...

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The ICF finances Vicente Torns with €3.6 million for the construction of a new industrial warehouse in Rubí dedicated to the recycling of copper and aluminium

by Institut Català de Finances (ICF)

Founded in 1924, Vicente Torns, headquartered in Rubí, has three factories in France, two in India, one in Slovakia and is currently in the process of opening another in Morocco, while also promoting...

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Axon moves into Cloud Technology

by Axon Partners Group

cloud technology axon

Secondary Market in Venture Capital: A S...

by AltamarCAM Partners

After a decade in which Venture Capital has established itself as an i...

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