Addleshaw Goddard advises Seaya Andromeda on the acquisition of a majority stake in Bike Ocasión

by Addleshaw Goddard

Addleshaw Goddard's Madrid office has advised the Spanish management company, Seaya Capital, on the acquisition of a 70% stake in Bike Ocasión, a company specializing in the buying and selling of sec...

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Seaya Andromeda takes majority stake in Bike Ocasión to accelerate European expansion

by Seaya Ventures

Bike Ocasión demonstrates strong growth potential across Europe—a €30 billion market ripe for professionalization. With expected revenues of €13 million this year and an established presence in...

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Axon moves into Cloud Technology

by Axon Partners Group

cloud technology axon

Asteo obtiene 50 MM€ de Allianz Global...

by Professional Newco

Actualmente Asteo despliega redes de fibra óptica ultra rápida en zo...

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